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Hailing from the swampy Black Marshes, the Argonians have grown skilled in the art of guerilla warfare - striking quickly, and lethally. Though not the strongest race, these clever Hist-descendants can draw upon their roots to grant you extra magicka. Build your deck using the Agility and Endurance attributes to make the most of the Argonians.[1]

For more information, see the main lore article.

Main Attributes[edit]

In-Game Description and Bonus[edit]

Born in the treacherous swamps of the Black Marsh, this reptilian race is known for its natural endurance. As an Argonian, you will more quickly collect cards that reward you for playing a long game.

The race's theme is "increasing magicka".

Portraits & Dialogue[edit]

Female Male
Portraits LG-avatar-Argonian Female 1.pngLG-avatar-Argonian Female 2.png LG-avatar-Argonian Male 1.pngLG-avatar-Argonian Male 2.png
"Well met, marsh friend."
Good Game
"By the egg, a fine battle."
"By the egg, a fine battle."
"Fortune favor me!"
"May the Hist aid me!"
"Beware! You swim in troubled waters."
"Prepare to die!"
"An unfortunate mistake."
"An unfortunate mistake."
Nice play
"Impressive, for one without scales."
"Nicely done."
Thank you
"My thanks is yours."
"Thank you."
"The battle is yours."
"The battle is yours."


Obtainable Cards[edit]

Name Type (Subtype) Attribute/Class Magicka Power Health Rarity Text
An-Xileel Invader An-Xileel Invader Creature (Argonian) Agility Agility 4 5 3 1Common Common
Archein Elite Archein Elite Creature (Argonian) Endurance Endurance 4 3 5 2Rare Rare Lethal
Archein Venomtongue Archein Venomtongue Creature (Argonian) Endurance Endurance 4 1 4 2Rare Rare Lethal
Slay: Gain +1 max magicka.
Black Marsh Centurion Black Marsh Centurion Creature (Argonian) Endurance Endurance 6 4 8 1Common Common Veteran: Guard
Black Marsh Prodigy Black Marsh Prodigy Creature (Argonian) Endurance Endurance 3 1 1 2Rare Rare Veteran: +4/+4
Black Marsh Warden Black Marsh Warden Creature (Argonian) Endurance Endurance 4 2 2 4Legendary Legendary At the end of your turn, summon a 1/1 Argonian Recruit. If you have 7 or more max magicka, summon a 3/3 Argonian Veteran instead.
Blackrose Herbalist Blackrose Herbalist Creature (Argonian) Endurance Endurance 3 2 4 3Epic Epic At the start of your turn, heal another random friendly creature.
Blackwood Alchemist Blackwood Alchemist Creature (Argonian) Endurance Endurance 3 1 4 1Common Common Gains +2/+0 when your max magicka increases.
Blackwood Distiller Blackwood Distiller Creature (Argonian) AgilityEndurance Scout 4 3 4 3Epic Epic Pilfer: Gain three magicka this turn.
Slay: Gain +1 max magicka.
Brotherhood Suspect Brotherhood Suspect Creature (Argonian) Agility Agility 1 2 4 3Epic Epic Last Gasp: Your opponent draws a Completed Contract.
Fighters Guild Recruit Fighters Guild Recruit Creature (Argonian) Agility Agility 2 1 2 1Common Common Prophecy, Guard, Lethal
Great Moot Squire Great Moot Squire Creature (Argonian) Endurance Endurance 1 1 2 1Common Common Veteran: +1/+1
Guildsworn Apprentice Guildsworn Apprentice Creature (Argonian) StrengthIntelligenceWillpower The Guildsworn 2 1 2 2Rare Rare Prophecy, Guard
Summon: Draw a card.
Helstrom Footpad Helstrom Footpad Creature (Argonian) Agility Agility 2 3 2 1Common Common
Hist Speaker Hist Speaker Creature (Argonian) Endurance Endurance 2 2 2 1Common Common While Hist Speaker is in play, your max magicka is increased by 1.
Imbued Argonian Imbued Argonian Creature (Argonian) Endurance Endurance 1 1 3 1Common Common Guard
When Imbued Argonian is Consumed, give the consuming creature +1/+1 and Guard.
Invoker of the Hist Invoker of the Hist Creature (Argonian) Agility Agility 6 3 6 4Legendary Legendary Veteran: Restore your magicka.
Mages Guild Recruit Mages Guild Recruit Creature (Argonian) Intelligence Intelligence 2 1 2 1Common Common Summon: Reduce the cost of an action in your hand by 2.
Preserver of the Root Preserver of the Root Creature (Argonian) Endurance Endurance 4 4 4 3Epic Epic +2/+2 and Guard while you have 7 or more max magicka.
Red Bramman Red Bramman Creature (Argonian) AgilityEndurance Scout 9 5 5 4Legendary Legendary Summon: Silence and Shackle all enemy creatures in this lane.
Sails-Through-Storms Sails-Through-Storms Creature (Argonian) Agility Agility 6 5 5 4Legendary Legendary Pilfer: Summon the top creature of your deck.
Shadowfen Priest Shadowfen Priest Creature (Argonian) Endurance Endurance 5 4 4 3Epic Epic Summon: Silence another creature, or destroy an enemy support.
Shadowscale Hunter Shadowscale Hunter Creature (Argonian) Agility Agility 3 4 3 2Rare Rare Veteran: Move.
Shadowscale Partisan Shadowscale Partisan Creature (Argonian) Agility Agility 3 2 2 1Common Common Lethal
Summon: +0/+2 if you have another creature with Lethal.
Sly Marshblade Sly Marshblade Creature (Argonian) Agility Agility 2 3 2 2Rare Rare Last Gasp: Draw a card if you have 7 or more max magicka.
Soulrest Marshal Soulrest Marshal Creature (Argonian) Agility Agility 6 4 4 2Rare Rare Summon: If you have more health than your opponent, the next card you play this turn costs 6 less.
Stalking Shadowscale Stalking Shadowscale Creature (Argonian) Endurance Endurance 3 3 4 1Common Common Slay: +1/+1
Stalwart Ally Stalwart Ally Creature (Argonian) Endurance Endurance 3 3 3 1Common Common Summon: +0/+2 and Guard if the top card of your deck is Endurance.
Steel-Eyed Visionary Steel-Eyed Visionary Creature (Argonian) Endurance Endurance 3 2 4 4Legendary Legendary Veteran: Set each friendly creature's power equal to its health.
Stormhold Henchman Stormhold Henchman Creature (Argonian) Endurance Endurance 2 2 2 1Common Common +2/+2 while you have 7 or more max magicka.
Sun-in-Shadow Sun-in-Shadow Creature (Argonian) IntelligenceAgilityEndurance House Telvanni 5 4 6 4Legendary Legendary Summon: Permanently Shackle another friendly creature to draw an action of your choice from your deck.
Swims-at-Night Swims-at-Night Creature (Argonian) Agility Agility 4 2 2 4Legendary Legendary Summon: Put a random 0-cost card into your hand.
After you play a 0-cost card, Swims-at-Night gains +1/+1.
Thieves Guild Recruit Thieves Guild Recruit Creature (Argonian) Agility Agility 2 1 2 1Common Common Summon: Draw a card. If it costs 7 or more, reduce its cost by 1.
Thorn Histmage Thorn Histmage Creature (Argonian) AgilityEndurance Scout 5 2 4 3Epic Epic Guard
Summon: Gain +1 max magicka.
Gains +1/+0 when your max magicka increases.
Tree Minder Tree Minder Creature (Argonian) Endurance Endurance 3 1 1 1Common Common Guard
Summon: Gain +1 max magicka.
Twin Lamps Consul Twin Lamps Consul Creature (Argonian) Agility Agility 3 2 4 1Common Common Plot: Lethal and Guard.

Created Cards[edit]

Name Type (Subtype) Attribute/Class Magicka Power Health Rarity Text
Argonian Veteran Argonian Veteran Creature (Argonian) Endurance Endurance 3 3 3 1Common Common

Unobtainable Cards[edit]

Name Type (Subtype) Attribute/Class Magicka Power Health Rarity Text
Archein Guerrilla Archein Guerrilla Creature (Argonian) Endurance Endurance 4 2 4 2Rare Rare Lethal
Argonian Recruit Argonian Recruit Creature (Argonian) Endurance Endurance 1 1 1 1Common Common
Captive Swims-at-Night Captive Swims-at-Night Creature (Argonian) Agility Agility 1 0 2 4Legendary Legendary Guard
Immune to Silence
Permanently Shackled.
Move at the end of your turn.
Last Gasp: The Treasure Hunters Win.
Guild Recruit Guild Recruit Creature (Argonian) Agility Agility 2 1 2 1Common Common Lethal
