Skyrim talk:Sonir
Background Music[edit]
When asked to play an instrument, like the lute, the regular game background music continues to play which wipes out her efforts. This is true of all bards assigned to homes in HearthFire. Going to settings and moving the slider for music all the way to the left allows one to listen, but that is awkward, since it must be manually re-set outside the house where the background music is often the most timely warning. This is unlike most Inns where the bard's music is a solo. Is there a better fix like a variable to set background music to off or to make background music equal to bard's music? Is this a bug? Kalevala (talk) 19:21, 23 November 2013 (GMT)
To answer my own question, after research, I concluded it is a glitch like the Jumping Juniper trees aka rampaging Ents (roots out of ground) it is something that was not well done in the game but does not affect game play. Kalevala (talk) 17:05, 24 November 2013 (GMT)
Conflicting Note[edit]
"Killing your cow or horse does not restore the dialogue option (just the option to buy back one or both of the two appears)."
This was added as an additional note to the latest bug added. I removed it because even though the bug is practically copied from Skyrim:Llewellyn the Nightingale, it conflicts with one of the solutions there. If someone can prove/disprove one or the other, that'd be swell. •WoahBro►talk 01:23, 28 May 2014 (GMT)
Bug - cannot dismiss bard[edit]
Not only does she have an extremely bad singing voice, her dialogue which allows you to dismiss her is bugged. When you tell her to leave, she does not. The only way to rid your home of this annoying woman is to murder her. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 23:50 on 25 October 2015 (UTC)