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Online:Words of the Poets

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Words of the Poets is a collection of 73 books, letters and notes that make up part of the Eidetic Memory.

Title Author Description Location
ON-icon-book-Generic 245.png
A Child's Tamriel Bestiary
Shane gro-Orath (Clever, no? Ha, ha!) A children's rhyming alphabet book
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png
A Forebear Warrior's Song
A traditional Forebear song
ON-icon-book-Generic 552.png
A Less Rude Song
Anonymous A bawdy ballad
ON-icon-quest-Plans 01.png
An Ode to the Red Bird
ON-icon-quest-Tablet 01.png
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png
Betnikh Limerikh
A Limerick about an Orc from Betnikh
ON-icon-quest-Tablet 01.png
A eulogy for a broken man's wife
ON-icon-book-Generic 434.png
ON-icon-book-Generic 452.png
Chim-el Adabal: A Ballad
A poem surrounding the creation of the Chim-el Adabal
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png
Couplets in Admiration of the Dead
Ferordomas An ode to corpses
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png
Damp Page
A bleak poem
ON-icon-book-Generic 335.png
Darkest Divinities
Skald Skullsplitter A poem dedicated to the Daedric Princes
ON-icon-quest-Tablet 01.png
Destroyer's Rest
A poem surrounding the origins of the Great Tree of Arborfell
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png
Dry Page
A bleak Nordic poem
ON-icon-book-Generic 122.png
Elders of Bramblebreach
Poem on the Bramblebreach Clan's ancestor spirits
ON-icon-book-Generic 154.png
Epode of the Ansei Wards
Weltan of Sentinel A poem on the self-sacrifice of three Ansei
ON-icon-quest-Plans 01.png
Four Coins of Yore
A love poem
ON-icon-book-Generic 123.png
Geirmund's Oath
An oath dedicated to the sacrifice of Archmage Geirmund
ON-icon-book-Generic 131.png
Goodnight Mundus
A Tamrielic Lullaby Auridon:


ON-icon-quest-Tablet 01.png
Hidden Tears
An ode to Kyne's tears
ON-icon-book-Generic 323.png
History of the Handfast
A poem dedicated to the anointment ritual and wedding of the Silvenar to the Green Lady
ON-icon-book-Generic 413.png
Hymn to Kyne
A song to Kyne
  • Various bookshelves across Tamriel
ON-icon-book-Generic 414.png
An ode to the victims of a monster
ON-icon-book-Generic 225.png
King Farangel's Beer Ballad
A drinking song dedicated to the first king of Wayrest Stormhaven:
ON-icon-quest-Tablet 01.png
Kyne's Tears
An ode to Kyne's tears
ON-icon-book-Generic 513.png
Lady Murcien's Folly
Anonymous Poem about a lady who thought she was a Dwarf
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png
Lamentations of the Lost
Anonymous Poem about a life cut short
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png
Lord Vivec's Questions
Vivec Questions by Lord Vivec
ON-icon-quest-Tablet 01.png
Love's Eternal Flame
A poem surrounding the mage Anconath
ON-icon-book-Generic 255.png
Matthild Built This Place
A poem dedicated to the life of Matthild
ON-icon-book-Generic 352.png
Mead, Mead, Mead!
A drinking song about mead
ON-icon-book-Generic 552.png
Netches! Netches! All Around!
Anonymous A poem about netches Summerset:



  • Various bookshelves


  • Various bookshelves


  • Various bookshelves
ON-icon-quest-Plans 01.png
Ode to Auridon
A tribute to Auridon
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png
Ode to Oinkers
Littrek Earth-Turner A tribute to pigs Bleakrock Isle:

The Rift:


ON-icon-book-Generic 233.png
Ode to the Elden Tree
A poem dedicated to the Orrery of Elden Root
ON-icon-book-Generic 342.png
Of Men and Mer
Hennabear A poem dedicated to the races of Tamriel
ON-icon-book-Generic 541.png
On Apocrypha
A poem surrounding Hermaeus Mora's plane of Oblivion
ON-icon-book-Generic 324.png
On the Beauty of Ogres
A poet's attempt to write an ode to Ogres
ON-icon-book-Generic 112.png
On the Immortality of Dust
Weltan of Sentinel A Redguard Poem
ON-icon-book-Generic 351.png
One Wilding Night
A poem surrounding the beast of Wilding Run
ON-icon-book-Note 01.png
Salamas's Epitaph
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png
Sky and Storm
A song about a storm at sea
ON-icon-book-Generic 513.png
Song of Despair
Anonymous Song on the Daedric Princes
ON-icon-book-Generic 221.png
Song of the Spirits
A haunting song promises eternal rest
  • Ouze, on a barrel at the northern camp (map)
ON-icon-book-Generic 421.png
Stagger and Sway
A love song
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png
Tale of Two Moons
A Khajiit poem about changing moon phases and seasons
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png
The Amronal's Spell
Poem on the Amronal of Valenwood
ON-icon-book-Generic 451.png
The Ballad of Navid the Singer
A ballad of a love-scorned sword-singer in the days of the Ra Gada
ON-icon-book-Generic 425.png
The Ballad of Skald Skullsplitter
Skald Skullsplitter, His Mark Here: X A boastful drinking song
ON-icon-quest-Plans 01.png
The Battle of the Ale
A drinking song
ON-icon-book-Generic 421.png
The Coldharbour Compact
A poem on Sotha Sil's mysterious First Era agreement with the Daedric Princes Cyrodiil:


ON-icon-book-Generic 542.png
The Death Blow of Abernanit
Anonymous The death of Dagoth Thras
ON-icon-quest-Tablet 01.png
The Deepest Cut
Poem on Rulanir the Blademaster
ON-icon-book-Generic 554.png
The Fall of Queen Nurnhilde
Helgreir Lute-Voice, Bard of Windhelm An ode to a fallen queen
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png
The Father's Promise
A poem dedicated to Sithis and the Shadowscales
ON-icon-book-Generic 423.png
The Great Siege of Orsinium
On the famous First Era conflict between Orcs and their neighbors in the Iliac Bay
ON-icon-book-Generic 232.png
The Lusty Argonian Maid, A Song
A musical rendition of everyone's favorite story
ON-icon-book-Generic 155.png
The Miner's Lament
Verse from a miner
ON-icon-book-Generic 455.png
The Nereid's Dilemma
Anthil Morvir A poem on the single-gendered nature of the Nereids
ON-icon-book-Generic 134.png
The Orc Song
An anti-Orc drinking song
ON-icon-quest-Shadowfen map.png
The Quiet Room
A riddle regarding a locked Safe Room
ON-icon-book-Generic 522.png
The Rite of Boethiah's Gauntlet
Thendaramur Death-Blossom, Boethiah's Conduit of Sutch On the competitions of Boethiah's faithful
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png
The Sea It Rises
A Sea Chanty of the Long Coast
ON-icon-quest-Tablet 01.png
The Summoner
Poem on Faindor the Prodigy
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png
The Whisperer's Song, Verse 1
Three-part song of the Whisperer
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png
The Whisperer's Song, Verse 2
Three-part song of the Whisperer
ON-icon-quest-Plans 01.png
The Whisperer's Song, Verse 3
Three-part song of the Whisperer
ON-icon-book-Generic 513.png
Truths of the North
Song of the wise Nord
  • Royal Tombs, Fort Morvunskar
  • Inside southwestern tent at Fort Morvunskar, post quest
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png
Uela's Song
Uela the Ravener A song of hunting in a storm
ON-icon-book-Generic 123.png
Verses of the Illuminated
Verse 5
ON-icon-book-Generic 525.png
Wergital the Wolf-Boy
Edouard Longtemps Poem of the wolf boy of Glenumbra
ON-icon-book-Generic 413.png
When I Will Come A-Courtin'
A song on King Ranser's downfall
ON-icon-book-Generic 152.png
Worm Saga
Mannimarco Rhyming autobiography of Mannimarco