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Online:Secrets of the Telvanni

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Secrets of the Telvanni event

The Secrets of the Telvanni was an in-game event that ran from September 28 to October 10, 2023 for Necrom Chapter owners. It encouraged exploration of the Telvanni Peninsula and Apocrypha zones by providing bonus rewards and new quests. Additionally, the chapter and related items were discounted in the Crown Store during the event.

During this event, you could earn Secret Telvanni Coffers by adventuring in the Chapter's two zones. Additionally, all Necrom daily quests and the weekly Sanity's Edge trial quest had their regular reward boxes doubled, harvest node yields were increased, and World, Public Dungeon, Trial, and Delve bosses dropped additional rewards.

You could earn 00000022Event Tickets by completing a Necrom daily quest each day of this event for a maximum total of 26 tickets. These could be used to buy bound Apocrypha Expedition style pages, Passion Dancer Blossom base fragments, and all three fragments for the Passion Dancer's Attire costume.

Three new quests were introduced during the event: The Telvanni Secret was a breadcrumb quest which led you to the main event, and could be started from the Crown Store or from Master Faras who is found south of the Gladiator's Quarters just outside of the city of Necrom. The second quest, The Cost of Knowledge, was available from Tralise and had you visit various locations around the Telvanni Penisula as well as Bastion Nymic. The third quest was Turn the Page, a daily quest which had you find and compile Esoteric Pages for Mouth Gilvas Vedran. Please see below for how this quest related to the community goal ladder.

This event was also the first one to feature a video trailer, which can be found here.

Explore the Unknown[edit]

Complete a new daily quest
Team up with your fellow players within the Telvanni Peninsula and Apocrypha to unlock unique rewards for all Necrom owners.

This event encouraged players to complete the special event daily quest Turn the Page. Each completion by players contributed points to a running total which was updated every day of the event. According to a developer, "[t]he daily quest that contributes [to the community goal] counts per character, so every toon can join in the fun!"

The rewards for progressing the community meter are:

The meter reached 100% on October 6 and rewards were made available in the Crown Store for 14 days.

Additionally, a fourth reward was made available for all Necrom Chapter owners at the end of the event. When completing Turn the Page, Mouth Gilvas Vedran would ask you to support one of Master Faras's daughters: Yensa or Tralise. The daughter who received the most support would determine which bonus community reward players receive at the end of the event:

  • If Yensa is favored by the end — Apocryphal Tome furnishing
  • If Tralise is favored by the end — Oath of the Keepers music box

At the end of the event, Yensa was ahead at 62% and the Apocryphal Tome was made available in the Crown Store for 10 days.

Secret Telvanni Coffers[edit]

ON-icon-furnishing-Indoril Chest, Fortified.png

The first time you completed a Telvanni Peninsula or Apocrypha daily quest, you would receive a Sublime Secret Telvanni Coffer. Additional regular Secret Telvanni Coffers could be earned as well, but the sublime coffers have a higher chance of containing rarer rewards.

Coffers could be obtained by doing any of the following in the Telvanni Peninsula or Apocrypha:

  • Completing a daily quest
  • Defeating a Delve or World Boss
  • Defeating a Bastion Nymic Herald or Boss
  • Defeating any monster
  • Opening treasure chests, safeboxes, Psijic Portals, etc.
  • Harvesting resource nodes
  • Pickpocketing
  • …and more!

Coffers have a chance to reward the following:


External Links[edit]