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Online:A Time for Mud and Mushrooms

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This page is currently being rewritten as part of the Online Quest Project.
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Quick Summary: not written

Walkthrough: written by TheRealLurlock, Gune, not checked

Quest Stages: written by Gune, not checked
Seal time breaches in the swamps of Deshaan and Shadowfen.
Faction: Psijic Order
Quest Giver: Loremaster Celarus in the Ceporah Tower's main hall or Josajeh in the Athenaeum of Ceporah Tower
Location(s): Ceporah Tower, Deshaan, Shadowfen
Prerequisite Quest: A Breach Amid the Trees
Next Quest: The Towers' Remains
Reward: Unidentified Summerset Shoulder Armor
Average Leveled Gold
XP Gain: Standard Experience
"Breach in that Argonian settlement, I think. I love Argonian architecture. Who needs nails and hard angles? Just pile up some slop and call it a house!"
My allies in the Psijic Order discovered another cluster of time breaches in the northernmost regions of Black Marsh. I need to seal them.

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Talk to Loremaster Celarus in the main hall of Ceporah Tower or Josajeh in the Athenaeum of Ceporah Tower.
  2. Talk to Josajeh and take the Psijic Map of Black Marsh.
  3. The map with red crosses on it will lead you to the time breaches to seal them. The map remains in your inventory, under Quest category.
  4. Travel back to Artaeum and talk to Loremaster Celarus.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

You can start the quest in one of the following ways:

  • Talk to Josajeh in the Athenaeum in Ceporah Tower.
    "From what the Loremaster tells me, the scryers are nearly halfway to locating the last four pieces of the staff. Placing another batch of Psijic Seals should give them all the information they need.
    Are you ready for another trip to the continent?"
    Yes. Where am I headed this time?
    "A new cluster of time distortions appeared in the swamps and fields north of Black Marsh—Shadowfen and Deshaan specifically.
    Take the Augur, the seals, and this map of the region. At this point, I'm sure you know what to do with them."
    I'll seal these new time breaches. Do you need anything else?
    "It might be worth talking to the Loremaster. He would never admit it, but I think something is bothering him. Something about the staff fragments."
    All right. I'll set out for Black Marsh after I speak with Celarus.

If you speak with Josajeh again, she'll say:

"Old Ways protect you, initiate. Those swamps look very forbidding—but I'm sure it's nothing you haven't faced before."
  • Talk to Loremaster Celarus in the main hall of Ceporah Tower.

You now receive The Augur of the Obscure, Psijic Map of Black Marsh and 9 Psijic Seals. Talk to Loremaster Celarus.

"Ah, initiate. What a welcome diversion.
I assume Josajeh told you that our scryers are well on their way to locating the last four fragments of the staff. We have you to thank. Now then, can I help you with something?"
Have you made any progress with the staff?
"Progress? To be perfectly honest ... no, we have not.
It was my intention to keep the various fragments separate from one another—to seal them away in discrete hidden vaults. The results have been less than satisfactory."
What do you mean?
"Some force keeps drawing the fragments back together. Despite my best efforts, they resist any attempt to fully separate them.
I have tried safes, vaults, warding cases ... but every time, the fragments manage to reunite."
Do you have any idea why?
"Not yet. But I will say this—there is an intention to it. Of that, I am certain. Something in these fragments yearns for reunification. To what end? That remains a troubling mystery.
But those questions will keep. You have work to do, initiate."

If you speak to Celarus again, he will say:

"Do not concern yourself with this matter of the fragments. I am confident that a solution is near to hand.
For now, set your mind to the task laid before you. A Psijic, once committed, should never deviate. Farewell."

Examine the map in your inventory.

click to enlarge

The following table lists the locations of the breaches, and the quotes from the Augur of the Obscure when you get near. Use the Augur when you are near a breach to be able to see it and seal it. Sealing a breach uses one of the Psijic Seals.

Region Location Map Quote
Deshaan On the cliff south of Bthanual (map) A Dwarf hold! Ha. What a silly bunch they were! Always whacking sprockets with their little baby hammers—toiling away on their tiny brass xylophones .... Good riddance, eh?
By the waterfall northeast of Darkshade Caverns (map) Hmm. Rocks. Water. More rocks ... wait! That's it. Breach nearby, mate. Sorry, I got distracted by all the behemoth mind-snails. It's too bad you can't see them, They're really cute. Sort of.
In a planter in the middle of the Shrine of Saint Veloth (map) There's a breach here somewhere. Plenty of Elf-ghosts too. Ugh. They won't stop shrieking about ... it's either dying or pieing. Pieing's a word, right? To pie? Odd thing to get upset about.
By the waterfalls north of the Triple Circle Mine (map) Breach ahead. Say, what is it with you bipeds and waterfalls? A deluge of happy water-spirits cast to their doom, smashed to bits on the sullen rocks below. Hardly a recipe for romance, mate!
Inside the gates of Malak's Maw (map) Breach around here somewhere. Oh, and by the way, Celarus has no idea what he's doing with that staff. Ah well. Dragon Breaks aren't so bad. Ha! I'm joking. They're horrific, mate.
Shadowfen Under a tree's roots in Bogmother (map) Dreugh? Ugh. I'm telling you, mate, they used to be a lot more pleasant. Now these land dreugh are all crab-faced and stabby. Shame. Let's find this breach and move on, eh?
Inside a stone mouth in western Hei-Halai, near the entrance to the Ruins of Mazzatun (map) Yeah, there's a breach here somewhere. And something's eating it? I certainly wouldn't recommend that. Unless you're really anxious to get sucked through your own belly-button.
In a small xanmeer northwest of the Venomous Fens Dolmen (map) Hmm. These ruins are dripping with old intention, mate. Forgotten dreamforms, frothing hour-beasts .... Great place for a blood-ritual. Or a very unsettling birthday party.
Next to the Hist tree in the middle of Percolating Mire (map) Breach in that Argonian settlement, I think. I love Argonian architecture. Who needs nails and hard angles? Just pile up some slop and call it a house!

After closing all breaches return to Artaeum and talk to Josajeh

"Welcome back, initiate! No shortage of mud on your feet, I see. Did you manage to seal all the time breaches in the swamp?"
Yes, I placed all the Psijic Seals and closed the breaches.
"Well done! With those seals in place, we should have a much better idea of where the remaining staff fragments are hidden.
I can't wait to see them!"
Wait, I thought Loremaster Celarus was sealing the fragments away.
"That was the plan, yes. But as he may have told you, separating the pieces has proven difficult—even for our most powerful monks.
It looks like we'll have to study the staff after all. I'm sure I don't need to tell you how exciting that is!"
You think you'll find a way to keep the pieces apart?
"Maybe. The leadership seems confident enough. As for me, I'm just happy to have the opportunity to see it!
Now, you should probably check in with the Loremaster. With any luck, our scryers have found the remaining fragments already."

Now talk to Loremaster Celarus to complete the quest.

"Tranquil greetings, initiate.
It seems your efforts in the swamp proved fruitful. Just a short time ago, our scryers located the remaining fragments of the Staff of Towers."
Are you ready for me to set out?
"I am. But first we should take a moment to acknowledge your achievement. A Psijic must never sacrifice the present at the cost of an uncertain future.
Take this as a reward, ceruval. I suspect you will find a use for it before long."




Quest Stages[edit]

A Time for Mud and Mushrooms
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
I should talk to Loremaster Celarus before I set out for Deshaan and Shadowfen.
Objective: Talk to Loremaster Celarus
I should review the map of Time Breaches in Shadowfen and Deshaan and plan my route.
Objective: Examine the Psijic Map
I must explore the lands of Shadowfen and Deshaan to find and seal these breaches in time.
Objective: Seal Breaches North of Black Marsh: 0 / 9
I sealed the time breaches north of Black Marsh. I should return to Josajeh and share the good news.
Objective: Talk to Josajeh
Finishes quest☑ I should go speak with Loremaster Celarus. Hopefully he knows the locations of the four remaining staff fragments.
Objective: Talk to Loremaster Celarus
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.