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Oblivion:Lorkmir's House

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Summary: not written

House Inventory: not written

Description: written by Legoless

Residents: written by Beezer1029

Related Quests: written by Legoless
Lorkmir's House
(view on map)
Console Location Code(s)
ICElvenGardensLorkmirsHouse, ICElvenGardensLorkmirsHouseBasement, ICElvenGardensLorkmirsHouseUpstairs
Imperial City, Elven Gardens District
Lorkmir's House

Lorkmir's House is an abandoned middle class three-story Imperial City home located in the Elven Gardens District. Lorkmir, its former resident, was murdered, and the place has been taken over by Faelian for use as a skooma den.



Related Quests[edit]

Lorkmir's House[edit]

Lorkmir's House[edit]

Lorkmir's former house has fallen into disrepair since Faelian took over. The main floor contains only random ingredients with the exception of the dinner table where three doses of the narcotic skooma, presumably belonging to Faelian, can be found. There are also two potatoes and a loaf of bread on the table for a quick snack.

Lorkmir's Private Quarters[edit]

The locked chest in the stairwell outside the bedroom contains only negligible items. The bedroom itself has mostly clutter in barrels. The only notable items are a sample of bonemeal and a copy of The Eastern Provinces.

Lorkmir's Basement[edit]

Lorkmir's corpse lies in a pool of his own blood, with a steel dagger next to him. Like most basements, this one only contains foodstuffs and clutter. The locked chest found here contains nothing of interest.