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Oblivion:Hanz gro-Hubrag's House

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Hanz gro-Hubrag's House
(view on map)
Console Location Code(s)
Hanz gro-Hubrag's House

Hanz gro-Hubrag's House is a house in the western end of the small village of Blankenmarch next to Floyd Nathan's House and across from Philip Franc's House.

It is the residence of Hanz gro-Hubrag and consists of one zone: Hanz gro-Hubrag's House.


Hanz gro-Hubrag

Hanz gro-Hubrag's House[edit]

Inside of Hanz gro-Hubrag's House

The house is extremely messy with lots of furniture out of place. There is a copy of The Eastern Provinces on the dinner table and a piece of mutton under some knocked-over shelves. The only loot of interest is a Potion of Alacrity on a corner table; it is surrounded by several gardening tools, which suggests that Hanz is the one taking care of the tiny vegetable garden outside, although he's never actually seen working the land.


  • This location is unlocked and has no key.