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Oblivion:Andragil's House

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Summary: not written

House Inventory: not written

Description: written by Kiz

Residents: not written

Related Quests: not written
Andragil's House
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Andragil's House

Andragil's House is on Bravil's main island, above Dro'shanji's house in the eastern part of the island and opposite the Bravil Fighters Guild.

In the entryway, a table against the short wall holds three apples. The closet holds a clutter sack and a chest that can contain healing potions. In the main room, another clutter sack and a grain sack sit against the other side of the short wall. The large table here holds three potatoes, two leeks, a cheese wedge, and a bottle of cheap wine. The table on one side of the fireplace holds another cheese wedge, and the cupboard on the other side contains clutter. Behind the room divider, a smaller table holds two heads of lettuce, a loaf of bread, a carrot, and a tomato. The bedroom in the southern corner holds only s single bed with an armor/weapons chest at the foot and a chest of drawers beside it containing clutter, with a nirnroot on top. The chest at the foot of the bed and the three sacks are the only containers in the house that do not respawn.