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Tamriel Rebuilt:Teyn

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Added by: Tamriel Rebuilt
Alignment: Imperial
Region: Roth Roryn

Almsivi Intervention:

Divine Intervention:



Teyn is a small Imperial settlement built in the shadow of Fort Ancylis, a stronghold of the Empire overlooking the Inner Sea. The population is cosmopolitan, with native Dark Elves resident chiefly in the impoverished shacks on the water's edge. The only real services can be found in Cirifae's Tradehouse, which also offers beds for the night, and a medley of assorted goods.

Getting There and Around[edit]

Teyn is right on the road leading west from the city of Andothren, and so is easily reached by foot. It can also be accessed via the boat services of Andothren and Ebonheart.

Places of Interest Around Teyn[edit]

Fort Ancylis is the dominant landmark to the east, and will provide plenty of orders for members of the Imperial Legion. Arvel Ancestral Tomb to the south contains more than it first seems, and Teyn's lonely lighthouse to the north will provide a warm welcome to guests.

Related Quests[edit]



Name Gender Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Location Notes
Alomon Juspethe Male Breton Thief 32 196 200 0 30 Cirifae's Tradehouse
Alrysa Faali Female Dark Elf Hunter 4 51 84 100 30 Streets
Bola Rervam Male Dark Elf Pauper 1 40 80 100 30 Streets
Brass-Claws Mirranzij Female Khajiit Master-at-Arms 13 149 100 0 30 Cirifae's Tradehouse Trainer
Cirifae Female Wood Elf Trader 13 108 118 100 30 Cirifae's Tradehouse Innkeeper
Erethys Omavel Male Dark Elf Smuggler 6 73 88 0 30 Lighthouse
Felespyre Female High Elf Commoner 1 35 100 95 30 Streets
Galer Hluvur Male Dark Elf Commoner 3 57 84 100 30 Cirifae's Tradehouse
Geloise Marard Female Breton Commoner 2 41 102 0 30 Geloise Marard's House Quest giver
Helstrid Female Nord Commoner 3 62 64 100 30 Cirifae's Tradehouse
Irvileg Male Wood Elf Publican 2 35 104 100 30 Cirifae's Tradehouse Merchant
Kaarnut Male Nord Farmer 4 77 64 95 30 Field
Kemjirra Female Ohmes-raht Caretaker 6 76 100 0 30 Cirifae's Tradehouse
Merius Jades Male Imperial Commoner 4 63 86 100 30 Merius Jades' House
Midesi Ouradas Female Dark Elf Scout 5 70 88 100 30 Cirifae's Tradehouse Trainer
Mulus Roloth Male Dark Elf Commoner 2 51 82 0 30 Streets
Nemmo Arthaler Male Imperial Scribe Census and Excise Office Excise Officer(Excise Officer) 12 112 148 90 30 Census and Excise Office
Nervul Sadrys Male Dark Elf Scribe Census and Excise Office Novice(Novice) 5 69 118 90 30 Census and Excise Office
Nulvese Telrith Female Dark Elf Farmer 5 70 86 90 30 Nulvese Telrith's House Buys Alit hides for 10 drakes a hide
Oujateeva Female Argonian Pauper 2 40 102 90 30 Bola Rervam's Shack
Parnilla Marard Female Breton Commoner 2 41 102 0 30 Geloise Marard's House Appears only during quest
Pien Vene Male Breton Shipmaster 3 44 124 100 30 Piers Travel services
Ra'Sathre Male Ohmes-raht Merchant 8 81 122 0 30 Outside Quest giver
Rogdul gro-Sharga Male Orc Shaman 5 66 96 100 30 Cirifae's Tradehouse
Talaru Gelvendu Female Dark Elf Commoner 1 40 80 95 30 Talaru Gelvendu's Shack
Urzoga gra-Buk Female Orc Scribe Census and Excise Office Clerk(Clerk) 5 68 88 100 30 Customs and Contraband Warehouse
Vodunius Nuccius Male Imperial Commoner 4 63 86 0 30 Cirifae's Tradehouse Appears on completion of Vodunius Nuccius


Map Key


  • 1. Lighthouse
  • 2. Merius Jades' House
  • 3. Felespyre's House
  • 4. Kaarnut's House
  • 5. Cirifae's Tradehouse
  • 6. Alrysa Faali's House
  • 7. Customs and Contraband Warehouse
  • 8. Nulvese Telrith's House
  • 9. Geloise Marard's House
  • 10. Census and Excise Office
  • 11. Mulus Roloth's Shack
  • 12. Bola Rervam's Shack
  • 13. Pien Vene's Shack
  • 14. Talaru Gelvendu's Shack
  • 15. Boat Services
  • 16. Fort Ancylis: Main Keep
  • 17. Fort Ancylis: Curtain Wall
  • 18. Bufflehead
  • 19. TEM Ashrunner
  • 20. Fort Ancylis: Prison
  • 21. Fort Ancylis: Eastern Keep