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Tamriel Rebuilt:People in Firewatch

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A list of all People in Firewatch.


Name Gender Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Location Notes
Absolon Male Redguard Sorcerer Mages Guild Warlock(Warlock) 25 141 162 90 30 College: Library Tower Trainer
Achane Locher Male Breton Battlemage Imperial Legion Knight Bachelor(Knight Bachelor) 18 121 194 0 30 Ember Keep: High Halls
Ademnal Lleryn Male Dark Elf Agent 12 97 104 0 30 Docks Appears only during quest, Trainer
Adette Riatelle Female Breton Mage Mages Guild Apprentice(Apprentice) 9 60 148 90 30 College
Adrieldan Male High Elf Savant 21 178 200 90 15 College Trainer
Adyn Tamis Male Dark Elf Rogue Great House Telvanni Oathman(Oathman) 10 163 110 100 30 Ember Keep: Great Hall
Ah-Kisei Male Argonian Guard 20 205 122 100 40 College
Ainssa Female Khajiit Enchanter Service Mages Guild Journeyman(Journeyman) 11 77 154 90 10 Guild of Mages Merchant, Spell Merchant, Enchanter
Alia Jural Female Imperial Merchant East Empire Company Clerk(Clerk) 3 53 106 100 30 Docks Merchant
Alius Flagius Male Imperial Sailor Imperial Navy Deckhand(Deckhand) 5 71 86 0 30 TEM Saber of the Straits
Alvaren Bachand Male Breton Noble 9 82 126 80 30 Drakelight Beacon
Amelina Cornelia Female Imperial Knight Imperial Legion Knight Errant(Knight Errant) 15 147 110 100 30 Ember Keep: High Halls
Amores Letia Female Imperial Pauper 4 55 84 90 30 The Silver Serpent
Andoren Beleth Male Dark Elf Baker 5 61 112 90 30 Beleth Bakery Merchant
Ankhul Theradin Male Dark Elf Bard 7 74 126 90 30 The Silver Serpent
Anice Derielle Female Breton Commoner 2 41 102 90 30 Anice Derielle's House
Antonius Machias Male Imperial Savant 9 79 130 90 30 College: Dormitory Wing
Apelles Mero Male Imperial Agent Census and Excise Office Agent(Agent) 17 123 116 100 30 Census and Excise Office Trainer
Aphocles Male Argonian Baker 3 45 106 90 30 College: Dormitory Wing Merchant
Arhom Male Redguard Rogue Thieves Guild Wet Ear(Wet Ear) 4 69 64 70 30 The Howling Noose Merchant (thief tools)
Arnathiel Female Wood Elf Alchemist Mages Guild Apprentice(Apprentice) 3 38 112 80 30 Arnathiel's House
Arrell Female Wood Elf Scribe 7 71 126 80 30 Imperial Commission
Athrelos Guralin Male Dark Elf Smith Imperial Legion Knight Protector(Knight Protector) 15 165 102 90 30 Drakelight Beacon Merchant, Smith
Atilius Celucian Male Imperial Guard 20 210 122 90 30 Briricca Private Bank
Bacola Delius Male Imperial Guard Imperial Legion Knight Errant(Knight Errant) 5 84 88 100 30 Drakelight Beacon
Bakela Male Argonian Noble 17 130 132 0 30 Ember Keep: Great Hall
Balicius Coloni Male Imperial Commoner 6 74 92 0 30 Streets Quest giver
Baluk gro-Thuk Male Orc Smith 8 212 98 80 30 Iron-Grip's Weapons Smith
Banfrid Male Nord Sailor Imperial Navy Recruit(Recruit) 5 81 66 80 30 TEM Saber of the Straits
Banvira Auctoria Female Imperial Spellsword Mages Guild Wizard(Wizard) 17 135 124 90 40 Guild of Mages Quest giver (Mages Guild), Trainer
Bidsi Vidryon Female Dark Elf Merchant 6 68 116 50 30 The Brazen Maiden
Bradas Nethrendes Male Dark Elf Merchant 11 106 132 100 30 The Queen's Cutlass
Brandir Zabaal Male Dark Elf Trader Service 8 118 118 90 30 Brandir Zabaal: General Supplies Merchant
Caccia Artoria Male Imperial Guard Imperial Legion Trooper(Trooper) 6 92 92 100 40 Ember Keep: Guard Barracks
Cadal Taaldrun Male Dark Elf Agent Census and Excise Office Clerk(Clerk) 8 76 96 50 40 Census and Excise Office Trainer
Cajan Male Redguard Enforcer 8 83 76 0 30 Docks
Caro Temnel Male Keptu-Quey Warrior Fighters Guild Swordsman(Swordsman) 10 134 84 100 30 Caro Temnel's House
Chatal Mendor Male Breton Smith 24 70 104 100 30 Chatal Mendor: Fine Armorer Merchant, Smith
Chul-Nu Male Argonian Caretaker 3 54 88 100 40 College: Faculty Residences
Cocius Matius Male Imperial Guard Imperial Legion Knight Errant(Knight Errant) 20 210 122 100 30 Ember Keep: Great Hall
Coladia Nelus Female Imperial Journalist 6 64 116 90 30 Coladia Nelus' House
Cornelius Sympsus Male Imperial Publican Thieves Guild Wet Ear(Wet Ear) 14 113 144 0 30 The Howling Noose Innkeeper
Crassi Conciatius Male Imperial Guard Imperial Legion Trooper(Trooper) 15 170 110 100 30 Streets
Culenne Mair Female Breton Priest Service 7 55 116 90 30 Dustmoth Legion Garrison: West Tower Merchant, Spell Merchant, Spellmaker
Cunus Pompus Male Imperial Merchant 8 86 122 90 30 Ember Keep: Great Hall
Curo Marinus Male Imperial Priest Imperial Cult Adept(Adept) 7 65 96 80 30 TEM Saber of the Straits
Cyria Bachand Female Imperial Noble 9 87 106 100 30 Drakelight Beacon
Daeria Vucinia Female Imperial Drillmaster 9 94 112 0 30 Daeria Vucinia's House Quest giver
Darashi Mernil Male Dark Elf Savant 9 79 130 90 30 The Queen's Cutlass
Darnell Male Redguard Knight Imperial Legion Champion(Champion) 22 198 106 100 30 Eastern Watchtower
Destarmion Male High Elf Merchant Blades Operative(Operative) 10 100 128 100 30 Destarmion: Jeweler Merchant
Diniah Female Khajiit Smith Imperial Legion Trooper(Trooper) 8 102 92 50 30 Ember Keep Courtyard Merchant, Smith
Dondolin Male Wood Elf Commoner 3 40 106 50 30 Census and Excise Office Merchant
Dorash gro-Drethan Male Orc Enchanter 5 64 102 100 30 Dorash gro-Drethan: Enchanter Enchanter, Merchant
Dorisola Laera Female Imperial Scribe 7 81 126 90 30 Briricca Private Bank
Dothasi Vantus Female Dark Elf Noble 18 136 134 90 30 Vantus Manor
Dro'Ba Male Dagi-raht Monk Fighters Guild Journeyman(Journeyman) 6 54 88 90 30 Guild of Fighters
Duchess Perulia Jandacia Female Imperial Noble 25 182 156 90 30 Ember Keep: Great Hall
Durnug gro-Gazol Male Orc Knight Imperial Legion Knight Errant(Knight Errant) 7 96 74 90 30 Ember Keep Courtyard
Edheldur Telrehn Male Wood Elf Bookseller 3 40 106 80 30 Edheldur's Rookery Merchant
Edwinn Moliere Male Breton Gardener 6 79 112 90 30 Ember Keep: Ducal Chambers
Elos Uvelen Male Dark Elf Publican 4 98 176 100 30 Dustmoth Legion Garrison: East Tower Merchant
Elumaire Female High Elf Battlemage Imperial Legion Knight Bachelor(Knight Bachelor) 12 87 168 90 10 Ember Keep: Great Hall
Endinalas Female High Elf Apothecary Mages Guild Associate(Associate) 6 51 148 90 30 College: Dormitory Wing
Erfjol Female Nord Warrior Fighters Guild Journeyman(Journeyman) 8 115 72 80 30 Brandir Zabaal: General Supplies
Eririda Vendidus Female Imperial Scout 4 67 86 0 30 Streets Trainer
Ernaia Gelsus Female Imperial Trader Service 5 69 92 100 30 Ernaia Gelsus: Furnisher Merchant
Ertius Artoria Male Imperial Knight Imperial Cult Initiate(Initiate) 11 118 102 90 40 Grand Chapel of Akatosh
Ervilla Deschamp Female Breton Merchant East Empire Company Clerk(Clerk) 6 63 136 90 30 East Empire Company
Eseld Veranon Male Breton Commoner 2 46 102 90 20 Ember Keep: Treasure Chamber
Esiweyla Female Chimeri-Quey Warrior 15 170 102 100 30 Ember Keep: Cathnoquey Mission
Fainat Masiriran Male Dark Elf Trader Service Ashlanders Clanholder(Clanholder) 7 79 120 100 30 Streets Merchant
Falcius Sosia Male Imperial Smith Imperial Navy Midshipman(Midshipman) 12 140 98 100 30 Imperial Navy Command Post Merchant, Smith
Fedrin Adlan Male Dark Elf Clothier 8 72 142 90 30 Adlan Fine Garments Merchant
Ferag gro-Arog Male Orc Warrior Imperial Legion Knight Errant(Knight Errant) 10 134 74 100 30 Drakelight Beacon
Ferie Luquere Female Breton Caretaker 4 56 112 90 30 Ember Keep: Great Hall
Fila Artoria Female Imperial Caretaker 3 59 88 90 30 Vantus Manor Quest giver
Finds-Men Male Argonian Agent East Empire Company Agent(Agent) 7 66 94 90 30 East Empire Company Trainer
Fitz-Fitz Female Argonian Smuggler Thieves Guild Mastermind(Mastermind) 18 148 128 90 30 The Howling Noose Quest giver (Thieves Guild)
Folstar the Whaletooth Male Nord Barbarian 8 106 72 90 30 Folstar the Whaletooth's House
Frascia Jandacia Female Imperial Knight Imperial Legion Knight Protector(Knight Protector) 12 125 104 90 10 Ember Keep: Guard Barracks
Friela Antoni Female Imperial Noble 11 99 112 80 30 Antoni Manor
Galan Brandt Male Imperial Crusader Fighters Guild Master(Master) 21 187 124 100 30 Guild of Fighters Quest giver (Fighters Guild)
Galantra Sillo Female Imperial Noble 15 123 124 90 30 The Queen's Cutlass
Galin Arvethu Male Dark Elf Witchhunter 12 83 170 80 30 Galin Arvethu's House
Gandris Male Wood Elf Sailor Imperial Navy Deckhand(Deckhand) 7 74 90 90 30 TEM Saber of the Straits
Garius Rulo Male Imperial Warrior Imperial Navy Captain(Captain) 16 179 104 100 30 TEM Saber of the Straits
Garrulus Meril Male Imperial Rogue 6 72 88 0 30 Streets Appears only during quest
Garrus Mellorus Male Imperial Priest Imperial Cult Invoker(Invoker) 20 119 134 90 30 Ember Keep: Great Hall
Gilara Renus Female Imperial Noble Census and Excise Office Taxtaker(Taxtaker) 12 105 116 100 30 Census and Excise Office
Gi-Lei Female Argonian Caretaker Twin Lamps 9 97 130 90 10 College: Museum Wing
Gindaman Male High Elf Sorcerer Mages Guild Arch-Mage(Arch-Mage) 36 218 200 90 30 Guild of Mages Quest giver (Mages Guild), Spell Merchant
Glomork gro-Kashak Male Orc Guard Imperial Legion Trooper(Trooper) 15 177 90 90 30 City Gate
Goren Daranith Male Dark Elf Barrister 6 64 116 90 30 Daranith & Daranith: Barristers Bounty Clearance
Gorinia Female Wood Elf Mage 25 121 182 100 30 Streets Quest giver
Gradrak gra-Gromul Female Orc Barbarian Fighters Guild Swordsman(Swordsman) 11 125 96 100 30 Destarmion: Jeweler
Grala gra-Gurakh Female Orc Knight Imperial Legion Knight Bachelor(Knight Bachelor) 18 174 118 0 30 Ember Keep: High Halls
Grazgob gro-Muzbog Male Orc Priest Imperial Cult Adept(Adept) 12 238 98 90 30 Grand Chapel of Akatosh: Undercroft
Halan Macrinus Male Imperial Mage Mages Guild Journeyman(Journeyman) 8 66 124 90 20 Guild of Mages Quest giver (Mages Guild), Spellmaker, Spell Merchant
Harminia Daranith Female Imperial Commoner 7 81 94 60 30 Daranith & Daranith: Barristers
Hassanda Lendeth Female Dark Elf Knight Imperial Legion Knight Errant(Knight Errant) 14 135 108 90 20 Ember Keep: Ducal Chambers
Helrus Jeral Male Imperial Knight Imperial Legion Knight Errant(Knight Errant) 7 88 94 90 30 Drakelight Beacon
Helsanni Moon-Beam Female Nord Trader 6 80 76 80 30 Streets Merchant
Herconius Jandacia Male Imperial Savant 11 144 104 100 30 Ember Keep: High Halls
Herdonia Varan Female Imperial Knight Imperial Legion Knight Errant(Knight Errant) 23 198 128 100 30 Ember Keep: Treasure Chamber
Hestareth Sadryon Male Dark Elf Commoner 3 57 84 90 10 Ember Keep: Kitchens
Hin-Karast Female Redguard Scout Fighters Guild Journeyman(Journeyman) 8 146 82 100 30 Guild of Fighters Trainer
Hurgun gro-Martag Male Orc Cook 12 117 122 90 30 Ember Keep: Kitchens
Hyacinthe Jaselle Female Breton Commoner 3 47 104 90 20 Torbal Green-Hull's House
Idra Uvalen Female Dark Elf Scout Blades Traveller(Traveller) 8 93 96 80 30 Idra Uvalen's House Trainer
Ildana Antellius Female Imperial Scout Imperial Archaeological Society Excavator(Excavator) 4 67 86 90 20 Sergius Antellius' House Trainer
Ildonis Peltus Female Imperial Guard Imperial Cult Layman(Layman) 11 135 102 90 40 Grand Chapel of Akatosh: Undercroft
Iman Zabaal Female Dark Elf Commoner 8 81 96 90 20 Brandir Zabaal: General Supplies
Imequol Miveo Male Chimeri-Quey Merchant 13 122 138 0 30 Ember Keep: Cathnoquey Mission
Jarvas Nerethran Male Dark Elf Commoner 3 57 84 90 30 The Howling Noose
Jeande Beluel Male Breton Savant Census and Excise Office Clerk(Clerk) 3 45 128 90 20 Census and Excise Office
Jeanette Sitte Female Breton Savant 23 139 200 90 30 College: Library Tower Trainer
Jinar Kammu Male Dark Elf Smuggler 12 113 98 90 40 The Silver Serpent
Jula Minthri Female Dark Elf Sorcerer Great House Telvanni Lawman(Lawman) 19 105 96 90 30 Ember Keep: Great Hall
Kojan Male Redguard Scribe East Empire Company Steward(Steward) 8 97 110 90 30 Western Watchtower
Kul-Tei Male Argonian Commoner 2 46 82 90 30 Streets
Kuvir Shoal-Flare Male Nord Sailor Imperial Navy Admiral(Admiral) 18 165 88 90 30 Imperial Navy Command Post
Ladia Tunifus Female Imperial Savant Imperial Cult Disciple(Disciple) 11 115 130 90 20 Grand Chapel of Akatosh Merchant, Spell Merchant, Spellmaker
Ladil Female Wood Elf Savant 6 54 120 90 30 College
Lanie Merian Female Breton Bard 6 58 142 90 30 Lanie Merian's House
Lelu Velald Female Imperial Alchemist 5 55 126 90 30 Lelu Velald's House
Leobert Velain Male Breton Priest Imperial Cult Adept(Adept) 15 93 140 90 20 Grand Chapel of Akatosh
Levreius Secunia Male Imperial Noble 14 117 122 90 30 Ember Keep: Ducal Chambers
Liriel Female Wood Elf Scribe Census and Excise Office Clerk(Clerk) 5 60 86 90 30 Census and Excise Office Trainer
Lora Avis Female Imperial Noble East Empire Company Deputy(Deputy) 14 117 122 100 30 East Empire Company Quest giver (EEC)
Lukad Male Redguard Master-at-Arms Imperial Navy Midshipman(Midshipman) 16 185 84 90 30 TEM Saber of the Straits Trainer
Lyanna Ismal Female Imperial Trader 7 82 100 100 20 Chatal Mendor: Fine Armorer Merchant
Lysvid Female Nord Merchant East Empire Company Negotiator(Negotiator) 8 91 102 70 30 Ember Keep: High Halls
Malpeg gro-Hersgrun Male Orc Alchemist 4 84 134 90 15 College Trainer
Marcel Artaud Male Breton Alchemist Service Mages Guild Conjurer(Conjurer) 10 59 158 90 30 Guild of Mages Merchant, Trainer
Marcus Bennelus Male Imperial Savant 3 50 108 90 20 College: Library Tower
Marelia Grasia Female Imperial Sailor Imperial Navy Recruit(Recruit) 3 58 84 80 30 Docks
Mari Arthal Female Dark Elf Commoner 1 40 80 80 30 Grand Chapel of Akatosh: Undercroft
Marilus Arjus Male Imperial Bookseller 7 70 120 100 20 College Merchant
Marus Male Argonian Warrior Imperial Legion Trooper(Trooper) 12 140 98 80 40 Dustmoth Legion Garrison: East Tower
Maryne Female Breton Pauper 3 40 104 90 10 The Silver Serpent
Melia Aurivia Female Imperial Commoner 1 45 80 70 30 Streets
Medhan Arvel Male Dark Elf Commoner 7 81 94 90 30 The Brazen Maiden
Merdon Dillmoon Male Breton Noble 8 76 122 90 30 Dillmoon Manor
Merias Tolor Male Imperial Sharpshooter Imperial Navy Mariner(Mariner) 8 84 126 90 30 TEM Saber of the Straits
Mervis Ravalen Male Dark Elf Commoner 5 68 88 90 20 Docks Appears only during quest
Mettne Female Nord Warrior Imperial Legion Knight Errant(Knight Errant) 10 213 90 100 30 Ember Keep: Great Hall
Miremos Male Wood Elf Guard Imperial Legion Knight Errant(Knight Errant) 15 160 110 100 30 Drakelight Beacon (top)
Missing-Scales Male Argonian Savant 4 46 82 80 30 College
Mist-Eyes Male Argonian Apothecary Service 12 81 160 90 30 Mist-Eyes: Apothecary Merchant
Molvar Crito Male Imperial Merchant 5 67 112 90 30 The Brazen Maiden
Muriele Jerine Female Breton Caretaker 6 71 120 90 20 Ember Keep: Servants' Quarters
Nala Niabhe Female Reachman Master-at-Arms Fighters Guild Journeyman(Journeyman) 9 112 112 90 30 Guild of Fighters Trainer
Narus Hermalian Male Imperial Battlemage Mages Guild Apprentice(Apprentice) 7 73 126 90 30 Guild of Mages
Ngolmu Male Chimeri-Quey Warrior 15 173 102 100 30 Ember Keep: Cathnoquey Mission
Nilara Beleth Female Breton Baker 5 66 128 90 20 Beleth Bakery Merchant
Nurain Brenim Male Dark Elf Agent Thieves Guild Operative(Operative) 11 92 102 0 30 The Howling Noose Trainer
Oderius Blonia Male Imperial Guard Imperial Legion Knight Bachelor(Knight Bachelor) 20 210 122 100 30 Imperial Commission
Odming Fire-Toe Male Nord Smith Fighters Guild Journeyman(Journeyman) 11 142 76 100 30 Guild of Fighters Merchant, Smith
Odunia Hare Female Imperial Acrobat Imperial Archaeological Society Historian(Historian) 22 178 114 90 30 College Trainer
Omtaba Male Cathay-raht Guard Imperial Legion Knight Errant(Knight Errant) 20 214 122 100 30 Ember Keep: Treasure Chamber
Orvil Menas Male Dark Elf Cook Imperial Navy Mariner(Mariner) 3 57 86 80 30 TEM Saber of the Straits Merchant
Peera-Jah Female Argonian Enchanter 2 39 126 90 40 College: Dormitory Wing
Percian Lusinus Male Imperial Sailor Imperial Navy Midshipman(Midshipman) 11 84 90 100 30 Imperial Navy Command Post
Permil Danconis Male Dark Elf Drillmaster Fighters Guild Champion(Champion) 18 155 128 100 30 Guild of Fighters Quest giver (Fighters Guild), Trainer
Pilo the Roach Male Wood Elf Pauper 3 69 184 90 30 The Silver Serpent
Polanna Female Khajiit Publican 10 82 128 90 30 The Silver Serpent Innkeeper
Polius Tertius Male Imperial Commoner 1 45 80 80 30 Polius Tertius' House
Pontius Golius Male Imperial Caretaker 14 66 92 100 30 Ember Keep: High Halls Trainer
Procuta Female Redguard Scribe Imperial Navy Mariner(Mariner) 7 94 70 100 30 Imperial Navy Command Post
Protio Calvisus Male Imperial Priest Imperial Cult Acolyte(Acolyte) 7 65 96 90 30 Grand Chapel of Akatosh Merchant, Spell Merchant, Spellmaker
Ragru gro-Ghash Male Orc Trader 8 95 82 60 30 Streets Merchant
Rajasi Male Khajiit Trader 4 58 90 60 30 Streets Merchant
Ralus Algrus Male Imperial Sailor Imperial Navy Deckhand(Deckhand) 2 51 82 60 30 Grand Chapel of Akatosh
Ra'Manjas Male Cathay Publican 8 84 122 90 30 The Queen's Cutlass Innkeeper
Ra'Meale Male Khajiit Smith 9 111 92 100 20 Chatal Mendor: Fine Armorer Merchant, Smith
Rinar Sandras Male Dark Elf Sorcerer 5 2 0 100 30 Gorinia's House
Roban Male Redguard Trader Service 5 79 72 90 30 Streets Merchant
Sa'assa Male Khajiit Baker Imperial Legion Recruit(Recruit) 5 76 94 100 30 Dustmoth Legion Garrison: East Tower Merchant
Saliraz Male Argonian Barbarian 7 83 90 0 30 Streets
Savri Hlervu Female Dark Elf Savant 13 94 146 90 30 Ember Keep: Great Hall
Selura Female Dark Elf Mage Mages Guild Warlock(Warlock) 16 92 152 90 30 Ember Keep: Wizard's Tower Quest giver
Senar Male Redguard Scout 8 108 76 100 50 Ember Keep: Great Hall Trainer
Senillos Tulnus Male Imperial Knight Imperial Legion Knight of the Garland(Knight of the Garland) 21 187 124 100 35 Ember Keep: Great Hall Quest giver
Sergius Antellius Male Imperial Savant 19 104 150 90 30 Sergius Antellius' House Trainer
Silanus Antonius Male Imperial Scout Imperial Legion Agent(Agent) 7 90 94 100 30 Docks Trainer
Silniel the Maven Female High Elf Thief Service Thieves Guild Captain(Captain) 14 97 142 0 30 The Howling Noose Merchant, Quest giver (Thieves Guild), Trainer
Sogora Female Redguard Knight Imperial Legion Knight Protector(Knight Protector) 10 101 76 100 30 Drakelight Beacon
Solnof Male Nord Scribe 4 73 94 80 30 Ember Keep: High Halls
Soril Male Wood Elf Guild Guide Mages Guild Conjurer(Conjurer) 7 53 120 50 30 Guild of Mages Guild Guide
S'Rabhi Female Khajiit Smuggler 11 101 96 0 30 The Howling Noose
Stands-in-Sun Female Argonian Healer Mages Guild Apprentice(Apprentice) 4 47 106 90 30 Guild of Mages Merchant, Spell Merchant
Tania Rautrine Female Breton Sailor Imperial Navy Commander(Commander) 16 132 124 100 30 Imperial Navy Command Post
Tapinius Macrion Male Imperial Guard Imperial Legion Knight Errant(Knight Errant) 14 161 108 100 30 Census and Excise Office
Tappemius Vullius Male Imperial Scribe 8 87 130 90 30 Imperial Commission
Tarbulin Seril Male Dark Elf Spellsword Imperial Legion Recruit(Recruit) 5 68 92 90 30 Ember Keep: Great Hall
Tarom Male Redguard Priest Imperial Cult Theurgist(Theurgist) 25 150 128 90 30 Grand Chapel of Akatosh Quest giver (Imperial Cult)
Tedyne Llarom Female Dark Elf Alchemist Mages Guild Associate(Associate) 27 118 200 90 20 College Trainer
Telyn Vedrith Male Dark Elf Clothier 2 45 104 80 30 Telyn Vedrith: Clothier Merchant, Quest giver
Theneria Vanil Female Dark Elf Nightblade Mages Guild Journeyman(Journeyman) 8 61 96 90 30 Guild of Mages
Theraile Salerne Male Breton Savant 14 99 170 90 20 College: Library Tower
Theran Arlethi Male Dark Elf Commoner 2 51 82 80 30 Streets
Thromil Rufus Male Wood Elf Knight Imperial Legion Knight of the Garland(Knight of the Garland) 14 130 108 0 30 Dustmoth Legion Garrison: East Tower Quest giver (Imperial Legion)
Tien Ha'zan Male Khajiit Scribe Twin Lamps 9 109 102 90 30 College
Timeo Callonus Male Imperial Master-at-Arms Fighters Guild Protector(Protector) 13 154 100 100 30 Adlan Fine Garments Trainer
Torbald Green-Hull Male Nord Merchant 8 96 102 90 20 Torbal Green-Hull's House
Tralam Male Redguard Master-at-Arms Fighters Guild Defender(Defender) 15 178 82 100 30 Chatal Mendor: Fine Armorer Trainer
Tyme Pegua Female Keptu-Quey Savant 13 102 136 80 30 Ember Keep: Cathnoquey Mission
Udrasi Edram Male Dark Elf Warrior 8 110 92 90 30 The Brazen Maiden
Ugdul gra-Gromul Female Orc Warrior Fighters Guild Swordsman(Swordsman) 18 202 108 100 30 College: Library Tower
Ulvon Girvayn Male Dark Elf Mage Great House Telvanni Spellwright(Spellwright) 17 101 154 80 30 Dustmoth Legion Garrison: Dungeon
Urelan Daranith Male Dark Elf Barrister 7 70 120 90 30 Imperial Commission
Urzul gro-Yadba Male Orc Rogue 5 63 66 0 10 Dustmoth Legion Garrison: Dungeon
Valtio Male Redguard Banker 9 90 106 60 30 Briricca Private Bank Banker
Valvius Matius Male Imperial Pawnbroker 5 60 112 100 30 Valvius Matius: Pawnbroker Merchant
Var Iron-Grip Male Nord Smith 12 212 98 90 30 Iron-Grip's Weapons Merchant
Varil Mercura Male Imperial Warrior Imperial Legion Champion(Champion) 14 161 100 80 30 Dustmoth Legion Garrison: Dungeon
Varnand Nermin Male Breton Battlemage Imperial Navy Mariner(Mariner) 11 87 164 80 30 TEM Saber of the Straits
Vaselius Tunifus Male Imperial Guard Imperial Legion Agent(Agent) 13 152 106 100 30 Dustmoth Legion Garrison: Dungeon
Verbera Raliath Female Dark Elf Pauper 6 35 80 60 30 Streets
Verginius Marcius Male Imperial Knight 25 210 132 100 30 College: Museum Wing
Viania Claeni Female Imperial Knight Imperial Legion Knight Errant(Knight Errant) 6 81 92 100 30 Drakelight Beacon
Virevar Tilvayn Male Dark Elf Shipmaster 7 69 114 100 30 Docks Boat Service
Vycius Pitio Male Imperial Knight Imperial Legion Champion(Champion) 20 181 122 0 30 Dustmoth Legion Garrison: East Tower Quest giver (Imperial Legion)
Walks-Through-Shadow Male Argonian Savant Twin Lamps 24 149 188 90 10 College: Faculty Residences Trainer
Willam Rilard Male Breton Noble 16 124 148 90 30 Imperial Commission
Yishana Female Redguard Sailor 4 69 64 0 30 Docks
Zan'kir Male Ohmes Knight Imperial Legion Knight Errant(Knight Errant) 7 64 94 80 30 Ember Keep: Guard Barracks Trainer
Zaren Hammebenat Male Dark Elf Merchant East Empire Company Factor(Factor) 17 146 152 90 30 East Empire Company Quest giver (EEC)